Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why Did Chris Brown Punch Rihanna?

Top Rumors:

- She gave him herpes : (False)
- She saw numbers that she did not like on his phone, got into an argument..etc
- He was really really drunk...argument ,etc

- She threw  his keys (of his silver lambargini, damn, I'd be pissed too, but never to his level!) outside the window, he went outside to look for them, couldn't find them, came back, chocked her till she fainted, and "beat" her, then ran.

Now all the 14 year old chris brown fan-girls are like "Oh wtf did rihanna do, she probably deserved it blalbaallalaa"

So much for a clean image, the guy punched his girlfriend. I don't really care who or what (Ok, fine, I do) but I'm wondering if he has abused her before.

And what about the bite marks? WTF!?
I'm sure Rihanna got damaged mentally as well as physically... she was screaming in the hospital ...

poor her.

We'll see how this story develops, I'm guessing Brown's career is completely over, but who knows.